Join Our Rose Club
It doesn’t matter if your garden is large or small, an interest in roses is all you need to become a member of the Boulder Valley Rose Society.
Come to one of our meetings and try us out. Nonmembers are welcome and under no obligation to join.
For directions to a BVRS meeting, e-mail Linda.
Or join now.
Fill out this form and mail it with your check to Dawn Penland, Treasurer, 1038 Red Oak Dr, Longmont CO 80504 or contact Dawn at 720-442-6859.
A Family Membership is $25/Year and an Individual Membership is $15 /Year.
Annual Membership in the Boulder Valley Rose Society
Family Membership $25.00/Year Individual Membership $15.00/Year
Date _____________________
City________________________ State__________ Zipcode___________
Email Address ________________________________________________
Make checks payable to the Boulder Valley Rose Society and mail to:
Dawn Penland, Treasurer BVRS
1038 Red Oak Dr
Longmont CO 80504